What is an intolerance?
An intolerance is a non-immunological adverse reaction to a food or some environmental or man-made element that can cause uncomfortable or debilitating symptoms. In dogs these symptoms vary from unusual behaviour such as excessive scratching or eating grass, digestive problems such as vomiting and diarrhoea or even sudden mood changes.
Intolerance to a food or non-food item may be temporary, unlike allergies which are permanent, and may disappear when we remove the harmful item from our environment for a period of time. This is not the case with allergies which, being a reaction of the immune system, are a health problem and potentially life-threatening if not treated in time.
Although intolerances may be temporary, it is important to detect them early to prevent them from causing a more serious health problem and affecting your pet’s quality of life.
How the Dog Intolerance Test works
Dog Intolerance Test uses a sample of your dog’s fur and bio-resonance technology to identify imbalances in your pet’s body that may be causing the symptoms by analysing a wide range of food and non-food items.
Food Items Tested:
Acid Phospherate | Corned beef | Peanut butter |
Acidophilius | Cottage cheese | Peas |
Agar | Courgette | Pheasant meat |
Almond | Crab | Pig ear |
Apples | Cream | Pig liver |
Artificial bacon flavour | Crisps | Popcorn |
Artificial beef flavour | Duck | Pork |
Artificial cheese flavour | Duck egg | Pork scratchings |
Artificial duck flavour | Egg white | Porridge oats |
Artificial peanut butter flavour | Egg yolk | Potato |
Artificial turkey flavour | Fish oil | Quinoa |
Bacon | Gelatin | Rabbit |
Baked beans | Ginger | Raspberries |
Bananas | Gluten | Raw hide |
Barbecue sauce | Goat | Rice |
Bark | Greek yoghurt | Rye |
Barley | Ground beef | Salad cream |
Beef | Ground chicken | Salmon |
Beef bone | Ground corn | Salt |
Blue Cheese | Ground duck | Sardine |
Bonemeal | Ground lamb | Sodium Acid Phosphate |
Bran | Ground oats | Sour cream |
Bread-granary | Ground turkey | Soy bean meal |
Brie | Ground wheat | Soy flour |
Brown bread | Haddock | Soy sauce |
Brown sauce | Ham | Spring onion |
Brussels sprout | Hare | Squid |
Buckwheat | Honey | Steak |
Butter | Ice cream | Strawberries |
Butternut squash | Lactose | Stuffing |
Butylated Hydroxyaniside (BHA) | Lamb | Sugar |
Butylated Hydroxycoluene (BHT) | Lamb bone | Sunflower oil |
Carob | Leek | Sweet Potato |
Carrots | Lemons | Tomato |
Cheddar cheese | Liver-lamb | Tomato sauce |
Chicken | Maize/corn flour | Trout-sea |
Chicken bone | Mayonnaise | Tuna |
Chicken fat | Milk | Turkey |
Chicken flavour | Milk from goats | Vegetable oil |
Chicken meal | Noodles | Venison |
Clotted cream | Oatmeal | Vinegar-malt |
Coconut | Onion | Wafer |
Coconut oil | Oranges | Wheat |
Cod | Ox liver | White bread |
Cod liver oil | Palm oil | Wood |
Corn | Parsnips | Yeast |
Corn gluten | Pasta | Yoghurt |
Corn syrup | Peanut |
Non-Food Items Tested:
Algae | Colonial Bent Grass | Pampass grass |
Aster | Corn plant | Pine Tree |
Bamboo | Cotton Crop | Pollen |
Bark | Currant Bush | Poplar Tree |
Barley Crop | Dandelion | Rose Plant |
Bee | Deer Epithelium | Rosehips |
Bee pollen | Dust | Rubber |
Beech Tree | Elm (Ulmus Glabra) | Seaweed |
Bermuda Grass | Grass | Squirrel |
Bifidobacterium Animalis | Hawthorn Tree | Stinging Nettle |
Birch Tree | Hazel Tree | Storage Mite |
Blackberry Bush | Leather | Wasp |
Buttercup Flower | Maize (Zea Mays) | Willow Tree |
Cherry Tree | Marigold flowers | Wood |
Chile Pine | Mint | Wool |
Chrysanthemum | Moss | |
Clover | Nylon |
The sample for this test can be easily collected in the comfort of your own home, and all necessary materials and instructions will be provided in the sample collection kit that will be sent to you. The kit also includes a small green container into which you can put a sample of anything you think might be the cause of your dog’s symptoms.
Be sure to package and ship the samples according to the instructions included in the kit, and you will receive your results by email within 5 working days of receipt of the samples in the laboratory.
This test is only for dogs 6 months of age and older.
Dog Intolerance Test Results
The test results will be sent to your email address and consist of a comprehensive report showing your dog’s reaction level to each of the 143 food and 49 non-food items analysed in the test. For better understanding, the report classifies the reaction levels by colour, with red indicating a sensitive reaction, yellow for a mild reaction and green indicating that your dog has no reaction to the item.
Accompanying these analyses of food and non-food sensitivities the report also contains an introduction explaining the fundamental difference between an intolerance and an allergy, clarifying that this test is NOT for detecting allergies and finally a summary with recommended actions to avoid the elements to which your dog showed a reaction.

Price and Special Offer
You can have the Dog Intolerance Test for only R1499. If you wish to buy two or three tests, enjoy the special offer of R10 off and the second and third test will cost you only R1489 each!
Other Animal Tests
Home DNA Direct offers a range of animal tests including the Dog Inherited Disease & Trait Test, the Dog Parentage Test and the Feline Polycystic Kidney Disease. Order any of these tests and find out much more about your beloved pet!